Contract Client


A function of ContractClient to call a method of the contract that writes to the blockchain.


Call the write method of ContractClient with the method name and its payload, then wait for the transaction to be confirmed with the PublicClient.

import { parseTon } from '@fotonjs/core';
import { contractClient, publicClient } from './client';
// Imagine the contract is a counter with increment method accepting queryId and amount
const res = await contractClient.write({
  value: parseTon('0.05'),
  method: 'increment',
  payload: { queryId: 1n, amount: 1n },
if ( {
  const transactions = await publicClient.waitForTransaction(;


type WriteContractReturn = DataOrTypedError<
  | 'MissingContractAddressError'
  | 'UserUnauthorizedError'
  | 'IncorrectContractError'
  | 'UserRejectedTransactionError'

A transaction hash string or one of the typed errors.



  • Type: bigint

The amount of nanoTON to send with the transaction. Should be enough to cover the transaction fees. You can use parseTon function to convert a string of TON to nanoTON.

await contractClient.write({
  value: parseTon('0.05'),
  method: 'increment',
  payload: { queryId: 1n, amount: 1n },


  • Type: string

A method name of the contract to call.

await contractClient.write({
  value: parseTon('0.05'),
  method: 'increment',
  payload: { queryId: 1n, amount: 1n },


  • Type: Record<PayloadKeys, any>

Payload of the smart contract method. The payload declaration can be found in the contract's ABI or contract class' method send.

If the contracts method's declaration in Tact is receive (msg: Add), then the payload is an object with the Add type.

await contractClient.write({
  value: parseTon('0.05'),
  method: 'increment',
  payload: { queryId: 1n, amount: 1n },