Contract Client


A function of ContractClient to deploy a smart contract to the blockchain.


Call the deploy method of ContractClient with deployment arguments and wait for the transaction to be confirmed with the PublicClient.

import { parseTon } from '@fotonjs/core';
import { contractClient, publicClient } from './client';
const res = await contractClient.deploy({
  value: parseTon('0.05'),
  arguments: [],
  payload: { queryId: 1n },
if ( {
  const transactions = await publicClient.waitForTransaction(;
  console.log('Contract deployed:',;


type DeployContractReturn = DataOrTypedError<
    address: string;
    txHash: string;
  | 'UserUnauthorizedError'
  | 'IncorrectContractError'
  | 'UserRejectedTransactionError'

An object with contract address and transaction hash or one of the typed errors.



  • Type: bigint

The amount of nanoTON to send with the deployment transaction. Should be enough to cover the transaction fees. You can use parseTon function to convert a string of TON to nanoTON.

await contractClient.deploy({
  value: parseTon('0.05'),
  arguments: [],
  payload: { queryId: 1n },


  • Type: Array<Arguments>

An array of arguments to pass to the contract constructor. This array is the same as the arguments of the init function in the compiled contract's.

await contractClient.deploy({
  value: parseTon('0.05'),
  // If the contract has `init(id: bigint, count: bigint)` signature, the arguments could be:
  arguments: [1n, 10n],
  payload: { queryId: 1n },


  • Type: Record<PayloadKeys, any>

In TON, smart contract deployment also triggers a Deploy method of the contract (if the smart contract uses the Deployable trait (opens in a new tab)). This method usually accepts a payload with queryId field – a unique identifier of the deployment to distinguish your smart contract from the others'.

await contractClient.deploy({
  value: parseTon('0.05'),
  arguments: [],
  payload: { queryId: 1n },